I maaaade iiit:)) Today was wiiiiild! I just knew I was going too be able to finish my garment early enough to take early pictures:) but.....yeah.....Anyways, I didn't know exactly what I was going to do but I knew what fabric I wanted to use:) I think it turned out pretty pretty:) and my photos were edited by my sweet friend Char'lette:) She SAVED me! LoooL:D Check it out:) http://www.flickr.com/photos/25635325@N07/ Peace:)
Guten Morgen!!!
Welcome everyone:)) Before I get started I have to try something. Go to; Elsie Marley Blog I DID IT!!!! I created a link:)) I even gave the link a naaaame!!! I am sooo happy:D I am a serious amateur and thats ok I have to start somewhere and that somewhere is called NOW. LoooL:D That link up there takes you to the lovely lady that jump started this blog:) Finally:) I have begun. Meg has this Wonderful challenge in which she challenges us to sew for our children for 1 hour a day for a week. I dont know if we can revamp stuff or if it has to be clothes only. I will go over and check. You can learn more too here: Kids Clothes Week Challenge Oh those links Rocketh!!! I just read the faq section of her blog and I just have to post another pretty lil link thingy Sew much info:) Well, not thaat much info. LooL:D
I want to try something else but I am afraid I will lose all my typing again. With 7 lil ppl that is a PROBLEM. I want to put a button from Meg's blog on my blog. I dont know how and googling all my questions is taking to long. O.k. here goes somethin..... Where did it go??? It was in a crazy place but it was here >_< I am gonna do it again I dont care for now where it shows up as long as that cute button is on this page! LoooL:D